Page 8 - RoyalSchoolCavan Prospectus 2024 FULL
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“A school that fosters highly curious young people”
Regular Reporting to Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
Exam Years (3rd & 6th Years) are formally assessed in November and in January/February through Pre-
Examinations. A comprehensive report is available to parents on our VSWare portal.
Non-exam years (1st, 2nd TY and 5th Years) are assessed continuously and comprehensive reports are
available for parents on VSWare during November, February and May/June.
Parent-Pupil-Teacher Meetings Each year group have a formal Parent-Pupil-Teacher meeting during the
school year. However, parents are very welcome to make contact with the school if they would like to
arrange a meeting to discuss a particular worry or concern.
School Website, Facebook, Instagram & Twitter Parents have full access to our website where they can
view updates of all the school’s activities.
Our Academic Record
Learning is at the heart of what we do. A tradition of excellent Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate
results exists in Royal School Cavan with subjects performing well above the national average. This is due
to the positive and innovative learning environment that permeates our community and the small class
sizes. Over 52% of our students secured 500 points or more in the class of 2023 while 10% obtained 600
points or more.