Page 7 - RoyalSchoolCavan Prospectus 2024 FULL
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Junior Cycle Curriculum
Students take a total of ten subjects for their Junior Cycle examinations. Form 1 students will study the
compulsory subjects. There are five optional subjects. Students will select two optional subjects to study along
with their core subjects.
Compulsory Subjects
Irish, English, Mathematics, French, History, Geography, Business Studies, Science, Physical Education (PE),
Religious Education, Civic, Social & Political Education (CSPE) Social, Personal & Health Education (SPHE),
Learning-to-Learn and Computer Studies.
Optional Subjects:
Home Economics, Applied Technology, Visual Art, Music, Graphics
Leaving Certificate
Fifth year students study all the compulsory subjects and select an additional four optional subjects to study
as part of their Leaving Certificate programme. Our option blocks for Leaving Certificate are created each year
based on student choice that year. This ensures that the students shape the senior cycle subjects offered in the
school in any given year.
Compulsory Subjects
Irish, English, Mathematics, Physical Education (PE), Religious Education, Well-being, and Career Guidance.
Optional Subjects:
Home Economics, Chemistry, Biology, Agricultural Science, French, Technology, D.C.G., History, Geography,
Accounting, Business, Art, and Music.
Subject bands are generated each year in order to meet the needs of our students.