Page 10 - RoyalSchoolCavan Prospectus 2024 FULL
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SOME OTHER ELEMENTS OUR STUDENTS’ parents/guardians, this records their written work,
EXPERIENCE INCLUDE: behaviour, attendance, and attitude. Development and
presentation of an e-portfolio accounts for 40% of the
• Participation in the Gaisce – The President’s Award
(Bronze/Silver medal). student’s final mark in TY.
• Three day out-door pursuits programme. AWARDS
• First Aid Course with CPR. At the end of the year a presentation night is organised
• Swimming/Aerobics and Self-Defence classes. by the students. Parents, teaching staff, visiting speakers,
• Study skills and Job-Hunting Workshops. members from local businesses are invited to this night.
The student’s display some of their work and talk about
• Three separate weeks of work experience.
the various activities they got involved in during the
• Mock interviews.
year along with performing snippets from their various
• Community Work. modules and courses taken during the year. Certificates
• Fundraising are given to the students and photographs taken for the
local paper.
TY students are assessed three times a year – mid
November, mid-February, and end of May. A credit Each year our programme is evaluated by TY students,
system is used to report a student’s progress to their parents, and teachers.