Page 21 - RoyalSchoolCavan Prospectus 2024 FULL
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First Year Induction
At Royal School Cavan we understand that the transition from primary to post-primary school is a time of great
change and challenge. All our students are supported and directed through this new phase in their education
in a number of ways:
All First-Year students receive a full day introduction to life at Royal School Cavan at the start of the school
year and a 20-hour transition programme over an eight-week period. A mentoring programme is available
to all First Year Students to help with their smooth transition from primary to secondary education. Form 5
students, through the mentoring programme, help our First-Year students integrate into the life of our school.
On this introductory day each first-year student meets with their 5th year mentor who assists them with their
timetable, their locker and layout of the building.
Each First-Year class is assigned a Form Teacher (tutor). The Form Teacher will meet the class each day. The
role of the form Teacher is primarily a pastoral one. They keep in close contact with the class to ensure that
each student is settling in satisfactorily and that the class are working well together.
There is also a Year Head assigned. The Year Head works closely with the Form Teachers to try to make each
student’s experience of life in Royal School Cavan a productive and happy one. The Year Head will also deal
with matters of discipline.
All Form 1 students are strongly encouraged to get actively involved in both the sports and extracurricular
programmes on offer in the school.
A First Year Awards Ceremony takes place at the end of the school year. Students are nominated for awards
in recognition of:
• Attendance and Punctuality • Academic Endeavour
• Active Participation in school life • School Ethos Award
• Entrepreneurial Endeavour
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