Monthly Roundup – November 2020
Form 2 Fuse Programme
The programme, supported by Facebook, consists of six modules, including bullying, cyber bullying and online safety. It is a scenarios type programme and gives students the opportunity to explore how they might deal with bullying issues that may occur within a classroom, a school or online. The main aim of the programme is to increase reporting and reduce levels of bullying in schools.
Creative Schools 2020-2022
Creative Schools is a flagship initiative of the Creative Ireland Programme to enable the creative potential of every child. This initiative is led by the Arts Council in partnership with the department of Education and Skills and the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. We are delighted to be selected to be part of this project for the next two school years and look forward to reporting back to you on our project(s).
Mini Companies
This year, because of COVID 19 restrictions the RSC mini companies cannot avail of the many face to face sales opportunities which previous groups have always enjoyed. Like all businesses, they have had to find new, innovative ways to reach their customers. Look out on social media for information about their wonderful products.
As promised last month, please see the pictures of the new Head Boys and Head Girls. Also pictured are the winners of the TY pupil of the year last year.

Team Hope Shoe-box Appeal
We are not able to prepare shoe-boxes as we normally would this year. So instead we are holding a fundraiser and going to donate the money online. This year more than ever there will be a need for shoe-boxes. So, if you wish to help this fantastic Christian charity, please visit
TY Yoga
The TY class are really enjoyed their Yoga classes. Many thanks to facilitator Ruth O’Dowd for providing the instruction again this year.
Texaco Children’s Art Competition Prize Winner
Congratulations to 3rd year pupil Jasmain Wang who won a special merit award in the national children’s art competition for a beautiful pencil drawing of the Royal School. The judges said the piece was ‘very imaginative and demanded a high level of skill’
Meet our new Foreign Language Assistant
My name is Camille Mazzoni and I am twenty-one years old. I come from Buchelay, a small town near Paris. I was a student at the University of Cergy-Pontoise where I attended an English course called “LLCER” (Foreign and Regional Language, Literature and Civilisation).
Royal School Cavan have welcomed me as a Foreign Language Assistant. I work twelve hours per week at school sometimes on my own with small groups of students (pictured) or with a whole class and a teacher. As a native speaker my role is to share ideas, to spread the French culture, to encourage the students in their projects and to promote the importance of foreign languages.
Having a first experience of teaching in an Irish Post-Primary school would not have been possible without Royal School Cavan. Therefore, I hope that my presence, along with my background, will be a positive addition to the already rich student life and environment of the school.